Main Page

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I (Andy Fraser) started this wiki on 2011-11-5. I wanted to learn how to run a wiki. I hope that it will be useful for my family. Here are the rules that I've implemented in the configuration file:

  • Anonymous users can only see this page and the page for logging in or creating an account
  • Users who have created an account and logged in can view and edit the pages. When you put material on this site, keep in mind that anyone who gets a link to the site can register and read that material.
  • Users in the administrator group have additional authority. If you are in the family and think you need that authority, send email to me at, and I will put you in the administrator group.
  • I've set flags that ask robots (eg google) to neither index nor crawl the site. So it should not be possible to use google to find anything on the site unless someone posts links to this site some place that google does crawl.

On 2011-12-31, I ran programs that extract names and text from Hanson Robbins' Descendants of Andrew Fraser and puts that information on this wiki. While I welcome offers to write new versions of the code that fix any of its many weaknesses, I also welcome/suggest hand edits to the pages.

Hanson also sent me several pictures. Pictures that have not yet been used in any pages are listed at Special:Unusedfiles.

You can see a list of all the pages on this wiki at Special:AllPages.

To guests who visit New Mexico, Andrew and Marguerite recommend a variety of New Mexico local activities.