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* [http://www.nps.gov/band/index.htm Bandelier National Monument] is the best preserved of several cliff dwellings in the area.  Native Americans carved the dwellings into volcanic cliffs.  There are several theories for why they abandoned the dwellings about a thousand years ago.
* [http://www.nps.gov/band/index.htm Bandelier National Monument] is the best preserved of several cliff dwellings in the area.  Native Americans carved the dwellings into volcanic cliffs.  There are several theories for why they abandoned the dwellings about a thousand years ago.
* [http://www.puyecliffs.com/ Puye Cliff Dwellings]are cliff dwellings on the Santa Clara Pueblo.  We liked the Santa Clara guide.
* [http://www.puyecliffs.com/ Puye Cliff Dwellings]are cliff dwellings on the Santa Clara Pueblo.  We liked the Santa Clara guide.
* [http://www.rosechocolatier.com Rose Chocolatier]
* [http://www.rosechocolatier.com Rose Chocolatier] Best chocolate in New Mexico
* [http://http://www.nps.gov/cave/index.htm Carlsbad Cavern ]
* [http://www.nps.gov/cave/index.htm Carlsbad Cavern
* [http://www.nps.gov/whsa/index.htm White Sands]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roswell_UFO_incident Roswell]
* [http://www.newmexico.org/high-road-to-taos-trail/ High Road to Taos]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rio_Grande_Gorge Rio Grande Gorge]
* [http://www.skipajarito.com/ Pajarito Ski Lodge]
* [https://www.losalamosnm.us/parks/trails/Pages/DeerTrapMesaTrails.aspx Deer Trap Mesa] Walking distance from our house.
* [http://www.losalamosnm.us/parks/trails/Documents/County%20Trail%20Network%20Color%20Handout%20Map.pdf Bayo Canyon Plum Tree] Straight down from our house.
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNcdU0i-qTg Nuclear Tourism Video] Bayo Canyon is the canyon running along our house.
* [http://www.losalamosnm.us/parks/trails/Documents/County%20Trail%20Network%20Color%20Handout%20Map.pdf Los Alamos Canyon]
* [http://www.vallescaldera.gov/index.aspx Valles Grande Caldera]
* [http://www.jemezmountaintrail.org/Jemez_State_Monument.html Jemez Springs & Soda Dam] A beautiful route from ABQ to Los Alamos, an extra 20 minutes longer than the I-25 hywy.
* [http://www.blm.gov/nm/st/en/prog/recreation/rio_puerco/kasha_katuwe_tent_rocks.html Tent Rocks]
* [http://www.blm.gov/nm/st/en/prog/recreation/rio_puerco/kasha_katuwe_tent_rocks.html Tent Rocks]
* [http://www.sandiapeak.com/ Sandia Peak] Ride the tram to the top.
* [http://www.turquoisetrail.org/ Turquoise Trail] An old highway between ABQ & SF. Parallel to I-25 - the main route between ABQ & LA. .Lots of old small towns, Madrid is on this route.
* [http://www.visitmadridnm.com/things-to-do/category/museums-attractions/ Madrid Mining Town]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Corners_Monument Four Corners]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiprock,_New_Mexico Ship Rock]
* [http://www.nps.gov/cach/index.htm Canyon De Chelly] The prettiest of the canyons.
* [http://www.nps.gov/chcu/index.htm Chaco Canyon] Near Gallup, sort of.

Latest revision as of 18:08, 24 March 2014

Things to do when visiting Los Alamos

The website Los Alamos Visitor's Guide describes some of the following attractions and many others.