Ann Welling Fraser
Ann Welling Fraser died peacefully surrounded by family the morning of April 11, 2010 in Houston, Texas. Born on August 28, 1924 in New York City, Ann was president her senior class at the Chapin School in 1942. Upon graduation from Vassar, she worked as an editorial assistant at Charles Scribner's Sons. She married George Corning Fraser III and moved to West Texas in 1950. She ran a book store in Midland before moving to Abilene in 1953. She was active in the Junior League and the League of Women Voters. She volunteered as a Sunday School teacher at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and in the public schools teaching Art Appreciation. She was active with the Abilene Community Theater working backstage and as well as appearing in many plays. After a stroke in 1983, she required assistance in daily living and never returned to Abilene. Although she struggled with paranoid schizophrenia and depression most of her adult life, she raised 5 children and found support in many strong friendships in the community. She is survived by her 5 children, Andrew McLeod Fraser of Los Alamos, Prudence Fraser Sternin of Santa Barbara, Sarah Fraser Searle of Houston, Cynthia Fraser Barlow of Berkeley, Nina Fraser Shultz of Denver and seven grandchildren.