Leighton Hammond(6)Coleman

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Leighton Hammond(6)Coleman , Jr.[1] was born August 27, 1930 in New York City. He married (1) Jean Susanne Mulligan Wood February 14, 1963. She was born Abt. 1930 in New York City, and died June 10, 1968 in New York City. He married (2) Nicole Mangenot Abt. 1970. He married (3) Juliet Stratford Abt. September 1975. More About Leighton Coleman and Jean Wood: Marriage: February 14, 1963 More About Leighton Coleman and Nicole Mangenot: Marriage: Abt. 1970 More About Leighton Coleman and Juliet Stratford: Marriage: Abt. September 1975 Children of Leighton Coleman and Jean Wood are: 77.i.Fraser Deane(7)Coleman , b. June 27, 1967, New York, NY. ii.Leighton Hammond Coleman Iii, b. May 09, 1964, New York City.

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