Hanson Corning(6)Robbins
Hanson Corning(6)Robbins [1] was born April 24, 1937 in Lewiston, ME. He married (1) Madeleine Whitney Kemble June 03, 1961 in Hamilton, MA, daughter of William Kemble and Madeleine Powers. She was born August 03, 1939 in Boston, MA. He married (2) Linda Hall Morrison May 27, 1995 in Boston MA, daughter of Eric Morrison and Christine Duncan. She was born July 22, 1941 in New York City. More About Hanson Robbins and Madeleine Kemble: Divorce: March 11, 1993, Norfolk County, MA Marriage: June 03, 1961, Hamilton, MA More About Hanson Robbins and Linda Morrison: Marriage: May 27, 1995, Boston MA Children of Hanson Robbins and Madeleine Kemble are: 87.i.Katherine Fraser(7)Robbins , b. May 18, 1964, Boston, MA. 88.ii.Frances Kemble Robbins, b. August 24, 1965, Boston, MA. iii.Whitney Corning Robbins, b. February 14, 1968, Boston MA; m. Marjorie Reed Morgan, July 24, 1999, Gloucester, MA; b. July 12, 1966, Greenfield, MA. Marriage Notes for Whitney Robbins and Marjorie Morgan: Commitment Ceremony July 24 1999. Married May 25, 2004 after MA law made gay merriages legal. More About Marjorie Morgan and Whitney Robbins: Partners: July 24, 1999, Gloucester, MA
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