Amy Littlefield(7)Handy

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Amy Littlefield(7)Handy [1] was born December 18, 1947 in Boston MA. She married Michael Mitchell Richardson July 26, 1969 in Stowe, VT. He was born January 06, 1940. More About Michael Richardson and Amy Handy: Divorce: 1993 Marriage: July 26, 1969, Stowe, VT Children of Amy Handy and Michael Richardson are: 99.i.Leif Littlefield(8)Richardson , b. November 28, 1970, Santa Fe, New Mexico. ii.Sunrise Caldwell Richardson, b. January 12, 1972, Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico. iii.Chaska Amy Richardson, b. April 02, 1974, Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico. iv.Juniper Bird Richardson, b. September 06, 1975, Lumberton, New Mexico.

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