John Fullerton(7)Neilson

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John Fullerton(7)Neilson , JR[1] was born November 28, 1961 in New York, NY, and died May 29, 1999 in Seattle, WA. He married Emily Tatnal Ward June 27, 1987 in Greenville, DE. She was born March 09, 1961 in Fukuoko, Japan. More About John Neilson and Emily Ward: Marriage: June 27, 1987, Greenville, DE Children of John Neilson and Emily Ward are: i.Susan Coleman(8)Neilson , b. December 02, 1992, Seattle, WA. ii.John Fullerton Neilson Iii, b. May 20, 1995, Seattle, WA. iii.Elliot Ward Neilson, b. May 20, 1995, Seattle, WA.

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