Nathaniel Fraser(7)Koehne
Nathaniel Fraser(7)Koehne [1] was born October 08, 1948 in New York, NY. He married (1) Josephine Carhart Smith July 10, 1971. She was born February 22, 1950. He married (2) Madora Wallace Thomson December 08, 1990 in Brooklyn, New York. She was born April 24, 1956 in Hartford, CT. More About Nathaniel Koehne and Josephine Smith: Marriage: July 10, 1971 More About Nathaniel Koehne and Madora Thomson: Marriage: December 08, 1990, Brooklyn, New York Child of Nathaniel Koehne and Josephine Smith is: i.Anne Knoll(8)Koehne , b. May 13, 1976, Burlington, Vermont. Child of Nathaniel Koehne and Madora Thomson is: ii.Katherine Luong Thomson(8)Koehne , b. February 06, 2001, Vietnam. Notes for Katherine Luong Thomson Koehne: Ne: Luong Thi Thao Nghia More About Katherine Luong Thomson Koehne: Adoption: May 2001
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